Welcome to The Bubble!

Before you start your program, please watch the Introductory 1 video below explaining the fundamentals of Pilates. You may also like to visit our website’s The Pilates Method page to refresh on the Principles of Pilates.

If you are new to exercise or recovering from an injury, we strongly recommend that you start with the Introductory videos. These videos will help you to understand the key principles of Pilates.

It is important that everyone listens to their body and works out within their comfort zone. It is important if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Given an instructor is not there with you to correct the exercise, it’s safer to just pause for a moment and wait for the next one. If you have any questions, please feel free to either raise them with us, or to consult your health care practitioner. 


Introductory 1
Suitable for beginners, we recommend you watch this before any other video. No equipment.

Introductory 2
Gentle beginner class. Equipment: A strap for stretching.

Introductory 3
Introductory class with progressions. Equipment: A pilates ball if you have one (can do without).

Introductory 4
Introductory class with progressions. No equipment.

Introductory 5
Introductory class with progressions with a thera-band if you have one (can do without).

Introductory 6
Relaxing stretch class with a spike ball or tennis ball if you have one (can do without).

Introductory 7
Late Introductory class with progressions. No equipment.

Introductory 8
Relaxing Introductory class for chest and upper back release. Ideal for the end of a long day at the desk.
Equipment: A pool noodle (or a rolled up towel) and 1kg weights (or 2 bottles of water).

Extras 4
Late Introductory or gentle Intermediate class suitable for general back pain with no underlying conditions.
Equipment: A strap or a belt for stretching.

Introductory 9
An Introductory class with no equipment.



Intermediate 1
Intermediate class with no equipment.

Intermediate 2
Intermediate with a theraband.

Intermediate 3
Intermediate class with no equipment.

Intermediate 4
Intermediate class with no equipment.

Intermediate 5
Intermediate with 1kg arm weights.

Intermediate 6
Intermediate class with no equipment.

Intermediate 7
Original mat-work sequence – intermediate to advanced.

Intermediate 8
Intermediate class with a thera-band if you have one (can do without).

Intermediate 9
Intermediate class with 2 Spike balls or tennis balls if you have them (can do without).

Intermediate 10
Intermediate class with a strap or belt if you have one.

Intermediate 11
Intermediate class with 1kg weights or 2 bottles of water.

Extras 1
Intermediate foam roller class with 1kg weights.

Extras 2
Intermediate class with a magic circle.

Extras 3
Intermediate class with a pilates ball and 1kg weights.

Extras 5
Equipment: An exercise ball and 1kg weights (or 2 bottles of water).

Extras 6
Theraband work out early Intermediate.

Intermediate 12
Early Intermediate class with spinal articulation and balance. No equipment.



Pregnancy 1
Introductory class suitable for Pre Natal Women (any stage of your pregnancy).
Equipment: Small Pilates ball or a cushion.

Pregnancy 2
Pregnancy workout with a theraband.

Pregnancy 3
Pregnancy workout with light hand weights and a Pilates ball or cushion.

Post Natal

Post Natal 1
Introductory class suitable for Post Natal women or beginners.
Equipment: A pool noodle (or a rolled up towel) and 1kg weights (or 2 bottles of water).

Post Natal 2
Post Natal class focused on Pelvic floor and chest opening, using a Roller (can do without the roller) plus a soft Pilates ball or cushion.

Post Natal 3
Pregnancy workout with a Pilates ball or cushion.

Reformer Workouts

Reformer 1
Reformer basic workout.

Reformer 2
Late introductory Reformer workout.

Reformer 3
Late introductory Reformer workout.

Mini Workouts

Mini Workout 1
An arm workout with hand weights.
You can use water bottles if you do not have weights.

Mini Workout 2
Mini workout for arms and balance with hand weights.
You can use water bottles if you do not have weights.

Mini Workout 3
Mini workout for legs and arms.
Use a theraband and weights.

Mini Workout 4
Mini workout for abdominals with a soft ball or a cushion (can do without).

Mini Workout 5
Mini workout for inner thighs with a soft ball or a cushion.

Mini Workout 6
Mini workout for glutes.
No equipment.

Mini Workout 7
Mini stretch workout (yoga inspired).

Mini Workout 8
Mini workout for lower abdominals with a foam roller (can do without).

Mini Workout 9
Mini workout for chest and shoulders with a theraband.

Mini Workout 10
Mini workout for hip release with a foam roller.



Extras 1
Intermediate foam roller class with 1kg weights.

Extras 2
Intermediate class with a magic circle.

Extras 3
Intermediate class with a pilates ball and 1kg weights.

Extras 4
Late Introductory or gentle Intermediate class suitable for general back pain with no underlying conditions.
Equipment: A strap or a belt for stretching.

Extras 5
Equipment: An exercise ball and 1kg weights (or 2 bottles of water).

Extras 6
Theraband work out early Intermediate.